Travel Clinic Maastricht

The Maastricht Center for Travel & Tropical Medicine

Dokter de Beer Travel Clinic

The travel health practitioner is an expert in destination specific health risks and preventative measures.


Our Services


Pre Travel

We provide detailed information , perform healthrisk assessments and give tailor-made advice for your destination.

Travel Assist

Medical assistance-escort for orchestras, performance groups and bands away from home.

Post Travel

Consultation in Tropical Medicine in case of illness after visits to the tropics can be arranged quickly through collaboration with academic hospitals.


We offer medical care for international students or people without a general practitioner.

1. Voor de Reis

We geven uitgebreide informatie en maken een gezondheidsrisico inschatting voor je reisbestemming met een advies op maat. Check voor meer informatie over reisziekten.

2. Medische Reis begeleiding

Medische begeleiding van studiegroepen, orkesten, theatergroepen in het buitenland.

3. Na de Reis

Spreekuur Tropische Geneeskunde bij ziekte na een reis wordt bij voorkeur na overleg met huisarts gerealiseerd. De tropenarts heeft een optimaal netwerk van gespecialiseerde Tropen Ziekte ziekenhuizen.

4. Loop-Binnen-Praktijk op afspraak

We bieden medische zorg aan Nederlandse passanten in Maastricht en aan buitenlandse studenten

Meet the Physicians

Dr P. de Beer

Peter A.M. de Beer, arts

Specialist in Reizigersgeneeskunde (LCR), Global Health & Tropische Geneeskunde (KNMG) en Chef arts bij André Rieu Productions

Dr. de Beer, is een Nederlandse arts, gespecialiseerd in Global Health, Tropen geneeskunde en Reizigersgeneeskunde. Hij is lid van The International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) en Landelijk Coördinatiecentrum Reizigersadvisering (LCR)

Hij heeft meer dan 30 jaar ervaring als Tropenarts en Reizigersgeneeskundig arts. Onder andere via Artsen Zonder Grenzen in Somalië en Sudan. Vanaf 1996 startte hij een van de eerste particuliere Reizigersklinieken in Nederland. Momenteel heeft hij een Travel Clinic in Maastricht. Bij afwezigheid word de consultatie overgenomen door een waarnemend arts.

De Beer is medeorganisator en oprichter van een bijscholingscursus Reis en Tropen geneeskunde in het IPK Tropical Institute in Havana, Cuba.

In het kader van Global Health wordt samengewerkt in projecten in Zuidoost Azië (zie onder).

Peter A.M. de Beer MD, DTM&H

Travel Health & Tropical Medicine KNMG.GP services and Chief Medical Officer at André Rieu Productions

Dr. de Beer, is a certified medical doctor specialised in Global Health and Tropical Medicine. Furthermore he is certified in Travel Medicine. He is a long time member of The International Society of Travel Medicine ( and LCR Netherlands.

He has over 30 years of experience in Tropical medicine and Travel medicine. Working for Doctors without Borders in Somalia and Sudan. He stood at the start of Travel Medicine in the Netherlands and still owns a travel and tropical medicine clinic in Maastricht, The Netherlands. He is organizer and co-director of the bi-annual travel and tropical medicine course at the IPK Tropical Institute in Havana, Cuba,

CONSERVATION OF NATURE issues: he is involved in several Global health projects in South-east Asia (see below)


Info & Price List

In het reizigersconsult wordt advies gegeven welke preventieve maatregelen nodig zijn om goed beschermd op reis te gaan.

Dit advies houdt onder andere rekening met je leeftijd, de aard en lengte van de reis en het reisseizoen. Ook wordt rekening gehouden met al bestaande ziekten en aandoeningen die kwetsbaarheid bij reizen kunnen vergroten.

Wij willen dat iedereen optimaal de positieve ervaring van reizen mag ervaren.

Maak afspraak met de Travel Clinic:

  • Langdurige werk/studie/ervaringsreizen: >6 maanden voor vertrek
  • Andersoortige reizen: >6 weken voor vertrek.

Als je al laat bent “beter laat dan niet”.

Onze Travel Clinic heeft een licentie voor Gele Koorts.

Prijzen per 01-07-2024 (tussentijdse prijswijzigingen voorbehouden)

In an initial consultation, we will advise you on preventative measures and which vaccins are required. Advice is given after a careful review of your itinerary; destination, length of trip, time of year, urban vs. rural setting, business trip vs. vacation, education, missionary, disaster-relief work, and adventure travel. Also included in your consultation is a discussion about any pre-existing medical conditions you may have.

Attend the Travel Clinic in time:

  • Holiday or travel or work (training) for more than 6 months:> 6 months before depature.
  • Other travels: > 6 weeks before departure 

If you are already late: BETTER LATE THAN NOT!

Our Clinic is officially licenced to give Yellow Fever vaccination.

Prices per 01-01-2024 (subject to change without notice).

Travel Consult short
Travel Consult ≥2 persons
€25,- p.p.
Travel consult long
>2 months duration or ≥ 3 countries


Tropical disease consultation
Dutch family doctor fee


Walk-in Clinic
for Foreign students

Dutch family doctor fee


Booster consultation
DTP (Difteria, Tetanus, Polio)
every 10 years needed



€105- p.p.p.i. (2 injections)

Frühsommer meningoencephalitis

€58,- p.p.p.i. (2 injections)

Hepatitis A
2 injections needed

Age > 15 years: €55,- p.p.p.i.

Age <15 years: €45,- p.p.p.i.

Hepatitis B
Age > 15 years:  €45,- p.p.p.i. (3 injections)

Age <15 years:  €41,- p.p.p.i. (2 injections)

Hepatitis A & B
Age > 15 years:  €63,- p.p.p.i. (3 injections)

Age <15 years:  €63,- p.p.p.i. (2 injections)

Japanese encephalitis

€130,- p.p.p.i (2 injections)

Meningitis ACWY

Age ≥ 1year: €85,- p.p.p.i. (2 injections)

Age <1 year: €85,- p.p.p.i. (3 injections)

Typhoid fever
3 years valid


Yellow Fever

Projects & Courses

HCTTM 2020

Havana Travel and Tropical Medicine Course  HCTTM -13

Coordinators: Peter de Beer, MD,DTM (MST-NL) Drs. N. Cantelar (IPK-Cuba)

Georganiseerd door Instituto de Medicina Tropical «Pedro Kouri» (IPK), Havana in samenwerking met Medical Services for the Tropics P de Beer (MST) te Maastricht.

Reeds 12 edities succesvol verlopen sinds 2000.

Bestemd voor artsen: huisarts, bedrijfsarts, microbioloog, internist, tropengeneeskunde, Global en Public Health, apothekers, verpleegkundige en andere gezondheidswerkers en overige wetenschappers.

Havana Travel and Tropical Medicine Course  HCTTM -13

Coordinators: Peter de Beer, MD,DTM (MST-NL) Drs. N. Cantelar (IPK-Cuba)

Organizer: Instituto de Medicina Tropical «Pedro
Kouri» (IPK), Havana in collaboration with Medical Services for the Tropics P de Beer (MST), Maastricht, The Netherlands.

The Course offers general lecture about travel related diseases combined with several detailed lectures as for Dengue, Tropical dermatology , update Travel Medicine and STD. The Public Health part of the Course is also received very well by participants.

Global health activity South-east Asia

Medical Services for the Tropics (MST)-Global Health in the Philippines 

“Global health is an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Global health emphasizes transnational health issues, determinants, and solutions; involves many disciplines within and beyond the health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration; and is a synthesis of population-based prevention with individual-level clinical care.” (Lancet 2009 by J.P. Koplan et al)

MST supports the Health & Nutrition program of SPNKK, the national umbrella organization of Negrito communities. Iindigenous people with a hunter-gatherer background and the most ancient inhabitants of the archipelago,going back at least 50,000 years. These communities, among which the Agta, Aeta, Batak and Ati, share a strong relationship with the natural relationship with the natural environment in which they live.

Persistent aculturation pressures, however, threaten to undermine the distinctive Negrito culture and way of life and therewith the precious trove of values, skills and knowledge, which defines the identity of these ultimate forest specialists.

After a first field evaluation next steps in future medical projects involve healing practices; herbal medicine, massage techniques and birth assistance. MST planning for 2024 include a fundraising by Maastricht Travel and Tropical Medicine and congress Foundation. Study-proposal and field assessment are performed by Peter de Beer and team in collaboration with SPNKK.


The H&N program is an important component of a larger and ongoing ‘cultural revival initiative’ – with focus on full involvement of Negrito youth. Key themes revolve around invigorating the communities’ traditional:

– Super healthy (and tasty) wild food cuisines.

– Healing practices, with herbal medicine, massage techniques and birth assistance.

– Ecological knowledge and jungle survival skills.

– Heritage of stories, poems and songs.


Through exciting traditional food festivals, thematic sharing workshops and the design/implementation of innovative education programs, tailored to the youth’s interests and needs. In the process, confidence and self-esteem of the latter has significantly been on the up-tick!

Current partnerships for the activities include: People and Plants International, the National Museum of the Philippines, Rutu Foundation, Otter Fonds and several local government units.

For more see:

Link: , click “Traditional Foodways”, next “Philippines”.

Facebook: “Sentrong Pagpapalakas Negritong ng Kultura at Kalikasan.

Travel Clinic Maastricht

Brouwersweg 100, route 3
6216EG Maastricht | Netherlands

+31 (0)43 737 01 21 (ma, di, do 9-17u)


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